Lutherin innoittama, kolmetuntinen, suora radio-ohjelma à la Houkka Bros. Tero osallistui esitykseen Beninistä. Vieraina filosofeja, pappeja, teologian opiskelijoita, teatterikriitikoita, tanssijoita ja muusikoita. Ensiesitys jäi pikkaisen hampaattomaksi eli mikäli toinen mahdollisuus siunaantuu, tavaraa on hampaan kolossa, hah hah.
2008: Semifinal, Baltic Circle, Helsinki 14.-16.5.
”They ask people to come and join them in a small tent on stage which was like their studio, and talk about religion. I mean, it´s a sensitive topic – religion, isn´t it? But they managed to create an atmosphere where you felt like you´re visiting a friend. That you´re really part of a performance. Many directors pretend to involve the audience but they don’t treat them as equal, you know? Houkka Brothers do.” Ott Karulin, Critical Playwriting, 19.5.2008